I've been cooking a lot - makes the house smell great - and makes me feel grounded. Truth be told, I'm a little rusty and guess who's coming to Christmas dinner? None other than my sister-in-law (the fashion designer
http://nymag.com/listings/stores/annelore/) and her husband, the uber-Chef (I already plugged Park Avenue Winter!). In the past, they've come to California for the holidays and I've been treated to a 3-day intensive with Chef Koketsu, oh well. So, I'm gleaning my favorite cookbooks, surfing online, trying to create a luscious, but incredibly easy meal - HA, does not exist. Still pondering.
Christmas - this is so cool, it's only the 18th and I think I'm done shopping. Being on the East Coast, I had to think ahead (a little) so that stuff would arrive on time. I've shipped, I don't know, 7 boxes or so, hopefully everything will arrive intact. Now all that's left is wrapping the kids stuff, which you all know I love ('Wrapping Nazi'), cook, eat and enjoy! The little nagging piece, that makes me cry if I spend to much time on it, is missing my family. I've only spent 1 Christmas away from them - and I'm 4* (we're not talking about that anymore), that's a lot of Christmases! In my quiet time, I let the saddness in, but I don't want the kids to feel it, I want this to be really special for them. They deserve an awesome Christmas! So, we'll Skype with the family, hope that no one cries online, share a virtual hug and send good wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Yesterday (Wednesday) was concert day. Alexander, along with what seemed like 100 other 2nd graders (not really, but it's no Gardner Bullis) sang at the school Holiday Concert! They were incredible! So animated, intune (no really), smiling and happy - it was an absolute joy. Thomas couldn't make it (bummer) so last night, Alexander sat up in bed and sang all three songs to him, complete with hand gestures and everything. I wasn't there (see below), but I imagine it was one of those moments that, as a parent, you will never forget. Our Alexander is the happiest we have seen him in a long time - not sure why, but no one's second guessing - it's simply heartwarming.
Holiday Concert #2 was Andrew's. That he picked up his trumpet again the last few months @ Pinewood was fantastic - it feeds him. He's now playing in the Symphonic Band at RFH (Rumson-Fair Haven) and has made friends with some of his fellow musicians. Last week, he was super excited about an impromptu quartet jam session, and talked about playing at the concert. I didn't take it too seriously, because how much time did they have to put anything together....eat my words, last night was amazing. One of the guys re-wrote Silent Night (dubbed 'Not So Silent Night') and they played it after the formal concert was over. People from the reception area came back in to listen - it was freakin' amazing. My son can play! He stood there (looking very handsome in slacks and a tie), all 6'4" of him and slammed out a crazy rendition of Silent Night, flawlessly! I'm getting goosebumps again just thinking about it - it was one of those moments where you're kind of outside of yourself watching people admire your kid. No really, he was that good! So, I missed Alexander singing to his Papa, but I am so, so glad I got to see Andrew SHINE! I'm so proud of them all.
xoxo P