Wednesday, January 28, 2009
California Blunder - what a goober!
xoxo P
SNOW DAY and more ...

Here's the other thing that's been on my mind lately - college planning and all that comes with that. A few of you have already been through this process, and I'd appreciate your insight. We have a plan (or should I say, have hired a Planner), so I feel a sense of relief that the t's and i's will get respectively crossed and dotted and to schedule. Having someone affirm that "your grades are the most important thing your Junior year" just makes me look good. So with the "plan" in place, he can now focus on making himself a great applicant for the schools he doesn't know he wants to go to, to major in a subject he's not sure about, so that he can start a career in a field he might not even know exists. Can you imagine being a teenager today? No wonder he gets that glazed look when we start talking college. I vote for a mandatory 2-year, post-high school "Go Live In The World" requirement!
But more than the nuts and bolts of 'the process', I can't help thinking about how he got here in the first place ... how he fought so hard to stay alive, how he has weathered every storm and wrestled with every boulder put in his path, how his heart has remained so huge and warm and open, how he has the capacity (read: confidence) to walk into any room and be comfortable in his own skin, how much he still likes to tell jokes (even when they're just not that funny), how he loves to bug his brothers, how he still asks for a hug and hangs on, how much he is my family. I think part of this 'process' is also mine; I need to make a 'plan' to let go.
Have a fab day!
xoxo P
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Head Count and a few more great things about living here
AMC the Middle - awesome Parent/Teacher conference, heartwarming reinforcement that this move has been good for him. He is maturing, so loving, practicing to be a really good big brother (most of the time) and the happiest kid! Thank Goodness.
ABL the Oldest - either he grew again or his hair is getting taller, in the thick of midterms, came down with a cold yesterday, still has a Math final to study for (UGH), looking forward to his winter break and a visit to Cali.
Hubbie - working crazy hours, but made it home in time for dinner once this week - yahoo! checks the weather in Key West daily and is counting the days until our vacation.
Me - tying up a few loose ends, thinking about getting tax papers organized (it's only January, right), bummed about missing yoga and the Y this past week, loving the tulips for sale everywhere (the color is happy-making).
Monday, January 19, 2009
Snarky Random Thoughts and more
Our favorite car wash 'Automatic Hand Car Wash' - really? David Letterman would love this one
Best place to buy a used car 'OK Used Cars' - not good, just OK
Department of Redundancy Department Menu item - Fries with Fried Mozzarella Sticks
On the otherhand, Costco (yup) sells an amazing assortment of Barilla Pasta, delicious sauces and the best Italian sausage (sweet and hot)! Jersey Tomatoes do make the best sauce (did I already tell you that?).
While I'm on food - The big men picked up take-out lunch on Saturday from Chilango's - the authentic Mexican restaurant in Highlands we'd yet to try. They made fast friends with the owner/cook, Leo, and got an extra Chili Relleno dish to sample. OMG, OMG - the best fish tacos I've had since Cabo, the most yummy, roasty beans and rice, salsa so fresh you could just eat it on it's own. Leo was kind enough to make Alexander's signature burrito (bean/cheese/fresh avoc/fresh tomatoes). And even Sir William ate his burrito. Suffice it so say, there were big tummies and smiles all around.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
life's moments
My dear, dear friend in HMB and I share this thing. We talk about our lives, our families, our children, our relationships; it's cheap therapy you know and girls do this (being the brilliant beings that we are). Conversation allows you to notice things, learn new ways, invite understanding, dig deeper for compassion, figure stuff out - we call this 'phifin' and it can occur in conversation and often after the fact. A single point of clarity is a 'phif' - these are good and might lead to 'phifin' (multiple aha's) if you pay attention.
A 'phif'can pop up at any point in time, so keep your eyes wide and your heart open. And remember, one small shift necessarily changes a dynamic.
xoxo, P
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's all about being flexible ...

William lost his first tooth yesterday. What a little big-man, he actually pulled it out on his own, "it came out" - kind of matter-of-factly. He was so proud of himself, but concerned that the Tooth Fairy wouldn't be able to find him all the way in New Jersey. Alexander explained to him that there are Tooth Fairies all around the world "like in China and stuff" and so she'll find you for sure. He has always found foreign coins under his pillow, maybe that's where he got the Around the World Tooth Fairy idea. Anyhow, no exception for William, his Canadian coin has a totally cool bear on it and he couldn't be happier!
xoxo P
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Cancun anyone?

And a big warm hug.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
A New Year
I absolutely love New Years! The countdown (oh Dick, please, next year just go to bed early - that was painful), the ball dropping (yet another crystal ball - get the pun! - in the midst of an economic cluster$%&*), the goofy people lined up, getting engaged, kissing strangers (ahh, the kissing part), the champagne, the laughter, the singing; and the possibilities, the intentions of things new and different and the fact that there were 365 days ahead to make it happen.
My fondest memories are of New Years at Lake Tahoe. We'd play charades for hours and then at 10 minutes to Midnight, throw our jackets and boots on over our jammies, grab the pots and wooden spoons and literally howl at the moon making as much noise as we could imagine - laughing, singing, screaming. We'd wait for Randy Bishop to bust out his trumpet for Auld Lang Syne and then finally make our way to bed.
So today, we take down the Christmas tree (nooooo!), put away the decorations, clean out the old to make way for the new. Notice what 'was' and look forward to 'what will be'. The perfect time to mop up the dust bunnies hiding under the beds, clear away the cob webs cluttering our heads, jump into a new day with vigor and cheer, ever grateful for the opportunity of another New Year!
Happy 2009!
xoxo P