I just gotta share ... Yesterday I woke up on a mission. You know that kind of day where you're just on fire and nothing can sway you, you're all smiles, super positive and freakin' productive. I love those days, and I haven't had enough of them lately. So, I started by cleaning the oven - yep, wiped it out and set the self-clean timer, stunk up the house (totally), but there is nothing more gorgeous than a clean oven. Well, actually that's not true, but yesterday it felt true. Then the house, top to bottom (except the basement, that's for today) - toilets, counters, mirrors, vaccumed every stinking baseboard, mopped the floors while simultaneously doing laundry! I know, I'm the bomb, right? I can see the tops of my counters and they're a really pretty green granite. Then, I did the unthinkable and rearranged the furniture. Nothing like a little feng shui shuffle to shift the energy in a room. I know, it sounds silly, but when the room flows, everyone feels it. And now, I can actually fit a 'real' couch in our tiny living room. I feel like a grown up again!
So, in between the housework, I managed to squeeze in a call with my BFF in Half Moon Beam! We always manage to solve a few problems and have a piff' (epiphany) or two. I heard my email while we were on the phone, and no, I don't normally try to do both, but for whatever reason, I had to look. Without going into tedious detail, it was jolt from my past searching for absolution. A part of my past that my BFF shared with me (she's an old BFF), so no surprise that we were on the phone when I got the email. I laughed (in a shocking 'wow, that takes a lot of balls' way) and promptly hit 'delete'. I am all about forgiveness, but I never forget.
Karma, huh?
Enjoy your day!
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