Noooooo! Really, how did 18 years go by so fast? I know, I know, it's all part of the family plan; you raise your kids, teach them well, and send them off into the world. Do I have to? Simply, yes. On the heels of the East Coast blitz, the West Coast tour is in full swing and the list of favorites is building. At the end of this week, Andrew will have visited 10 colleges on both coasts, a good sampling of higher learning. He's excited and inspired, how awesome is that. This college tour gig isn't just about picking schools, there's something bigger happening here.
I know when the time comes, and his car is packed and I'm counting the days until Family Weekend, I'll be freaking out, but for now it's all joy and what an incredible feeling. I'm so proud of my son.

And on a lighter...you know NJ is the Garden State, right? Aptly named for the prolific summer crop of tomatoes and corn, the slight green tinge visible on almost every surface, and the gi-normousness of some of the plants that grow here (kind of like in Hawaii, but without the OMG we're in Hawaii sense of ah!). Check out this picture. I have to get someone to take this shot with me right next to it, because then you'd see, this hibiscus is bigger than my head - I'm not kidding!
Have a happy day!
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