The leaves are turning gorgeous shades of yellow and red and there's a chill in the air. Multi-colored mums grace every walkway and front porch. Geez, I even saw winter cabbage at the garden store. Crapit - the snow is coming! Apparently, Farmer's Almanac predicts the coldest winter in 10 years. I think it's a ploy to boost retail sales at LL Bean, Lands End and Eddie Bauer; don't those guys run a Fleece Consortium? Anyhow, for whatever reason, when we arrived last year it was already cold; we just jumped right into the swing of winter gear. This year, we know what we're in store for so we're all a little wistful for California. I know, you're getting bombarded right now, but come on, at least it's not snowing! I peeked at the weather for the next 10 days, we'll be lucky to see 60 degrees. A fond (albeit begrudgingly) farewell to any chance of 70 and sunshine; we'll see you next year. Harumpf!

On to the family...Big Me (aka the hubbie) is doing great. Work has settled to a less frenetic pace, now only slightly insane instead of completely so. His awesome workouts got thwarted by the 'first of season' nasty cold (and no, not SWINE), but hopefully he'll be back in the groove before long.
Little Me

(aka Alexander) is living proof that turning Eight is Great! He loves being in 3rd grade, is a total fish and can now dive off the blocks, do flip turns and it starting to 'get' Butterfly - it's so much fun to watch him. He has the ideal swimmers body; long limbs, big hands and big feet, not to mention a pure love of the water. He continues to be a Lego maniac, as evidenced by the multitude of creations that 'clutter' the play room.

Mini Me (aka William) is ... we'll he's 6 1/2 and full of piss and vinegar. It's a good thing he's cute, because there are at least 2 times per day when I'd like to launch him (not that I'd ever do that, but as Chris Rock said, "but I understand"). He's strong willed, not easily swayed by anyone, and does not respond well to threats. That being said, he's the huggiest snuggle buddy, when he chooses. He's shining in 1st grade and reading like a fiend. Karate is his favorite sport, he just earned his Junior Blue belt.

Other Me (aka Andrew) is on the tail end of college apps. We're both ever so grateful to "Judy", our college guru, for keeping everything on track. With 2 more tests to take, everything will be complete - hard to believe. Hugest news, cross your fingers here and no bad juju please, is that he's making an official recruiting visit to UCSD to hang out with the Crew Team and Coaches. He met the Coaches during his summer tour and they were duly impressed (huge moment). He sleeps with a pair of UCSD shorts above his bed, but I won't let him wear them ... yet!
As for me (no aka, just ME), I'm on my last day of antibiotics. After starting a mad workout regime to get rid of my cabana-belly, whamo - I got sick! I don't really recommend the snot diet, but it did do wonders for my waistline. Thankfully, I rallied while my parents were here (well, at least the illusion of a rally). They stayed with us in the middle of their month-long road trip (Chicago, Wisconsin, Canada, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Ohio back to Chicago - I know, not in a million years, but they love it). The kids were so happy to spend time with Grammy and Grandpapa, it was just awesome. I dragged them all around Rumson, Little Silver and Fair Haven; and of course to Sickles. William had Apple Day that my mom and I went to, Alexander got to celebrate his birthday with family (and two of Thomas' sisters were here for the day from NY) and Dad was in heaven with the big screen TV! We drove to a Regatta in Delaware, where we got to see Andrew row and have the full RFH Crew experience! I'm so happy to have shared the time with my parents.
And in between eating Philly Cheesesteaks, lamenting NJ's political choices for Govenor, and complaining about the cold weather to come, we went to see Bruce Springsteen ... in style - limo, box seats, amazing experience. Why would you know this (or care), but Giants Stadium is being torn down. Guess there's money burning a hole in someone's pocket, because it looked fine to me - anyhow, this was the last concert in Giants Stadium - EVER - well, until they build a new one! Anyhow, it was so much fun, we danced like fools and sang like we knew all the words (and drank, thankfully not too much) for hours. Like I said before, it was worth every 'Born in the USA' moment and the perfect Jersey thing to do.
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