Christmas is magical. Don't even think about trying to convince
me otherwise. I love everything about it - music, wrapping, cooking, giving, etc. It reminds me of my fondest childhood memories and simply makes me happy. And watching my kids love the holidays makes it even sweeter. Truth be told, I'm not sure if both of them still 'believe', but they're faking it well if not. The other day, we received this amazing Gingerbread House as a gift from our realtor (now that's good marketing, right?) It's huge and chock full of more sweets than you can imagine, kind of puts our graham cracker and frosting shacks to shame! We ceremoniously took turns taking the first few pieces off, now it's a free for all, but I guess that's part of the fun. When I was little we had a gumdrop tree and I loved putting the gumdrops on it; one for the tree, two for me - ah, that explains why the purple ones are disappearing.

I tried something new this year - I let the kids do 95% of the ornaments! For those of you who know me well, that's huge; I'm a bit of a tree freak - you know, not too close together, create theme branches, spread out the snowmen and sock monkeys ... I figured, I got to put the lights on the way I want them, who cares if one branch has five ornaments on it. It's our most creative tree to date, but honestly, they got so much out of being the masters of their own domain, it was worth it. Besides, I'm still the wrapping-nazi!
Today was 'the littles' Holiday Concert at school. They were so excited and looked like little gentlemen in their cords and sweaters (read: looked really cute, but not all that happy about it). Lucky for us, we have really tall kids, so finding them in a see of red and green was a piece of cake. The concert was fantastic, and as always I cried (wimp). Friday night is Andrew's Holiday Concert, sure to be another great performance like last year.
Anyhow, we're swimming in the spirit and looking forward to sharing time with family and friends.
Health and happiness,
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