If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours - HDT.

I found this quote last night while I was working on Andrew's senior dedication page for the RFH year book (the one that he'll will keep for eternity). While I was sifting through pictures, trying to find the perfect balance between 'oh how cute' and 'oh how embarassing' - it hit me again, this time next year will look so different. It's a mixed bag of jubilation and wistfulness. I am so insanely proud of this young man, once dubbed The Gelato Prince (actually that's a picture of him at B&R in downtown Los Altos), but he did eat his way through Italy one gelato cioccolato at a time. I look at him now, all 6'4" and think - really? To remember how small he was when he was born (4 lbs give or take a few ounces), to acknowledge how hard he fought to stay alive (they called him 'a flyer'), to think about the first time I got to hold him in my arms (it was weeks) - this baby, this boy, this man - he is extraordinary.
So what advice do you give a young man who's already cheated death, has a depth of heart beyond his years and an unflappable strength of character - to never find yourself as one of the 'mass of men living lives of quiet desperation' (HDT), go live, try new things, have fun, be happy. And, don't forget BDH and the Four Essential Things.
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