But it has taken on a life of its own, for me, and has opened up a black hole of time-suckage (Reality Bites) where an hour floats by and I still haven't gotten my laundry done or finished up a project, but I've perused other people's profiles, including favorite music and books; checked my son's Wall to make sure he's not making off comments that the college admissions office might pick up; tried, in vain, to find an old boyfriend; or thought a little too long about just the right "What are you doing right know" pithy comment. Mine all end up seeming trite anyhow, but I still do it.
So, I'm putting myself on a FB Schedule - 2x/day - once in the am, and once in the pm. No more lolly-gagging around the computer. Keep me honest people, if you see me listed as an "Online Friend" at any other time (just remember, I'm on the EAST COAST) and my green light is on - send me a friendly reminder that there's probably a load of laundry to fold, a dishwasher that needs emptying, or a workout to be had! And hopefully, I won't have withdrawals!
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