It's not everyday I'm reminded of my past foibles, but yesterday, Ash Wednesday, is one of those days. Being an 'off-the-wagon' Catholic, I only noticed what day it was because I overheard someone in the parking lot. Anyhow, it reminded me of when I was a student at USF. I was taking a Philosophy course taught by this Augustinian neophite; a little uptight, but a really great teacher and I loved his class. In the middle of a heated discussion one day, I stepped out of the student role and said, "Excuse me, Prof. Faulders, but it looks like you've got a little smudge of something on your forehead." I swear to you, as the words floated out of my mouth, beyond rescue, I had this vision of being someone else in the room watching this total 'old' dork (me, I was 37) at a Jesuit College on Ash Wednesday, tell her Augustinian Professor that the sacred ashes of repentance gracing his pious forehead looked like a smudge of dirt. There was a very long, awkward moment of silence; hopefully he was praying for my soul. He did finally say something; I was so mortified, I don't even remember what it was. Thankfully, we got pass it and I did really well in his class, but I still count this as one of my all-time most embarassing moments. I guess it's no surprise to you then, that I was also kicked out of cathechism when I was 11. Thank goodness for angels!
1 comment:
ok. THAT is hilarious. Hah!
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