Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh No You Didn't ...

Oh my gosh, I SO did and it's going to be a long time until my youngest forgives me! This was one of those life moments when I wish I could have crawled in a hole and hid for a day or so, until the Colts had clinched their title, and the Saints were still the 'Aint's (sorry Mom and Keat) and I had regained my status as Best Mom On The Planet. So here's what happened ... William's 1st grade class had a Football Reading Super Bowl this week. Each child who read four+ extra books was invited to wear a jersey to school and participate in the Super Bowl. William achieved his goal and decided that Petrobas had gotten enough exposure and he really wanted a football jersey - and he was adamant about Manning "cause you know he's not the old man guy (Favre) mom, but he is gonna be in the real Super Bowl" - OK. Off we go to our local Modell's and pick out the perfect jersey a) for the Reading Super Bowl and b) for the real deal on Sunday. He looked so stinking cute heading off to school - jeans, turtleneck, jersey (jacket, hat, gloves, boots - it's really flippin' cold here). Alexander had a play date after school and I was really looking forward to one-on-one time with William. Home we come with his Valentine Day booty and all smiles because Friday is Wii day! No sooner are we in the house and he bursts into tears, "You bought me the wrong jersey, Peyton Manning is #18 not #10, see and it says NY right here!" (he was right, it does, see the picture). Now usually when he breaks out the crocodile tears it's a ploy to distract me from something or to get his way - but this was real. I felt so badly, he was such a sad mess. Apparently, someone at school let him know he had the wrong jersey if he thought he was 'all about the Super Bowl'. So, after big hugs and profuse apologies, I told him Mom's not really the go-to sports fanatic, and that next time anything relating to sports should probably be a Papa thing. We decided the Colts were the same color (sort of), snagged Andrew's athletic tape, turned the 0's into an 8's (easy peasy) and voile - except that I forgot the 10's on the shoulders and Papa noticed right off the bat -"William, who's jersey is that any how?" - Thanks a heap dude!

Anyhow, he seems to have forgotten for now, at least until game time tomorrow. And I'm sure the checkout girl at Modell's is still laughing - 'Hey yous guys, did ya see that mom who bought the NY Giants jerseys for her kids at $40 bucks a pop - what a maroon' - my bad!

oh yeah - Go Colts!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Punxsutawney Phil was right ... it's still winter

The Ground Hog was right and it snowed here on the same day as proof. How much more evidence do we need people! Despite the illusion that Spring's been sprung in every retail store across America (you're so right Michelle), it is still winter here in NJ and it will be for quite some time. We're bracing ourselves for another blast of cold and snow, so I intend to stock up on all things Super Bowl tomorrow as I will NOT be driving around this weekend. Oh crapit, the drycleaning isn't ready until Saturday, so I'll make one white-knuckle voyage, but that's it!

So, in spite of (yes, I meant to write that) the fact that the retail world is all perky and scantily clad in bright patterns and colors, I'm still wearing my snow boots and down parka. The only color added is my fr-rosey cheeks and an occasional scarf (for warmth not fashion). Actually, my parka is green, but that's only because I refused to be one more in a sea of black down and fur hoods. I'm from California darn it and I dare to be different (like the CA license plates aren't obvious enough). Maybe that's why I still feel spurned every so often.

A few random thoughts about television:

American Idol - yes, but a little 'yes'
Spartacus - Kirk Douglas must be so pissed, and is Lucy Lawless low on funds, geez
Heroes - weekly bonding time with Andrew
The Olympics - can not wait (more excited about that than Valentine's Day)

And about the Super Bowl - Colts baby, all the way!
