Thursday, December 18, 2008

Laundry and other things

Completely random blog - but do you have any idea how much more laundry one does in cold climates? It's dumbfounding! Is it that the clothes are bigger or do my "people' (read: everyone) just forego putting things away for putting them in the hamper? I wear the same stuff more than once, why can't they? UGH! So, here's the deal ... my Bounce box says "180" sheets, that means when I'm out of Bounce I've done 180 loads of laundry (and that doesn't include towels because who wants towels that don't really dry you off) - Holy Crapit! It better be summer by then, because that means shorts and t-shirts and I can stuff a whole bunch of those in one load. I don't know, just ranting, but come on people!

xoxo P


Haute Today said...

holy crapit is right!~
That's a mountain of laundry.
Tell me you have an energy star washer.....:)

Paula said...

yes, thank goodness, but what I really need is "Star - the wonder laundress"!