Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

I absolutely love New Years! The countdown (oh Dick, please, next year just go to bed early - that was painful), the ball dropping (yet another crystal ball - get the pun! - in the midst of an economic cluster$%&*), the goofy people lined up, getting engaged, kissing strangers (ahh, the kissing part), the champagne, the laughter, the singing; and the possibilities, the intentions of things new and different and the fact that there were 365 days ahead to make it happen.

My fondest memories are of New Years at Lake Tahoe. We'd play charades for hours and then at 10 minutes to Midnight, throw our jackets and boots on over our jammies, grab the pots and wooden spoons and literally howl at the moon making as much noise as we could imagine - laughing, singing, screaming. We'd wait for Randy Bishop to bust out his trumpet for Auld Lang Syne and then finally make our way to bed.

So today, we take down the Christmas tree (nooooo!), put away the decorations, clean out the old to make way for the new. Notice what 'was' and look forward to 'what will be'. The perfect time to mop up the dust bunnies hiding under the beds, clear away the cob webs cluttering our heads, jump into a new day with vigor and cheer, ever grateful for the opportunity of another New Year!

Happy 2009!

xoxo P


Haute Today said...

I'm taking down the tree right now. It's really sappy. eeew! We are taking the clean up to a new level. Cleaning up our room, finally sheet rocking the holes, and about feeling optimistic :)
Xo t

Christine Yum Lenz said...

Great post! I love your attitude. I too love the new year, cleaning the house, buying giant plastic bins to stick my stuff in, goodwill runs. It's all good!